When We will call SP.UI.ModalDialog.showModalDialog(options) in server side it will throw error "Object does not support this property" because the SP.Js will not get loaded in server side.
Use ExecuteOrDelayUntilScriptLoaded method to avoid the error.
Javascript Function in .aspx Page
function ShowDialogTest() {
if (confirm('Do u want to continue?')) {
var modalDialog;
var urls = '<%=SPContext.Current.Web.Url %>'
urls = urls + '/_layouts/GetSPUserList/DisplayUser.aspx?caseid=' + document.getElementById('<%=hdnCase.ClientID %>').value;
var options = { showClose: true, };
var options = {
url: urls,
tite: 'Workflow Task',
allowMaximize: false,
showClose: true,
width: 800,
height: 600
modalDialog = SP.UI.ModalDialog.showModalDialog(options);
} code behind page Server side code
ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(this, this.GetType(), ClientID, "ExecuteOrDelayUntilScriptLoaded(ShowDialogTest, \"SP.js\");", true);
When We will call SP.UI.ModalDialog.showModalDialog(options) in server side it will throw error "Object does not support this property" because the SP.Js will not get loaded in server side.
Use ExecuteOrDelayUntilScriptLoaded method to avoid the error.
Javascript Function in .aspx Page
function ShowDialogTest() {
if (confirm('Do u want to continue?')) {
var modalDialog;
var urls = '<%=SPContext.Current.Web.Url %>'
urls = urls + '/_layouts/GetSPUserList/DisplayUser.aspx?caseid=' + document.getElementById('<%=hdnCase.ClientID %>').value;
var options = { showClose: true, };
var options = {
url: urls,
tite: 'Workflow Task',
allowMaximize: false,
showClose: true,
width: 800,
height: 600
modalDialog = SP.UI.ModalDialog.showModalDialog(options);
} code behind page Server side code
ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(this, this.GetType(), ClientID, "ExecuteOrDelayUntilScriptLoaded(ShowDialogTest, \"SP.js\");", true);