Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Cell color change on SSRS based on condition

Hi , I have an requirement like report supposed to be display with different colors based on the -ve and +ve value.
If -ve then "Red"
If +ve then "Green"
Below are the steps :


Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Date comparision on SQL server

Hi , I my report data supposed to display in date filters. While writing query i face problem like it could not fetch data as per my assumption as SQL was also comparing the time value. But for me it should only filter based on the Date part ignoring the time part. So Below is the query to filter date ignoring time from date.
select * from tbl where CAST(FLOOR(CAST(Created AS float))AS datetime) = CAST(FLOOR(CAST(getdate() AS float))AS datetime)
Thank you .